CFEX 6 Week Nutrition Challenge
From 2/1 - 3/12
Congratulations on taking the first step towards a healthier you! This 6-week real food challenge will help you to meet your physical goals as well as to educate you on proper nutrition. By making small changes to your current lifestyle, you can make a big difference! While you are doing this challenge, make sure to listen to your body and be mindful.
There is a $10 entry fee to enter the challenge. Click here to sign up!
You will need to weigh-in and take your measurements at the beginning and the end of the program. The attached spreadsheet can be used to record the measurements. We will be taking our measurements only twice for the challenge, how ever you will have the ability to take measurements on Saturday at 11:00am at the box. Also, you will need to participate in our baseline workout at the beginning and complete the same workout at the end of the challenge.
The attached nutrition spreadsheet can be used to log your points. The point structure is below:
For each day of this challenge, you will receive 6 points. If you go by the guidelines of this challenge, you will receive 6 points each day. However, if you do not go by the guidelines, you will need to take away 2 points for every violation. For example, if you skipped breakfast that morning, you will need to take 2 points away. If you have 2 beers that same night, you will be down to 0 for the day, but you cannot total a negative score .
*This challenge is based on the honor system. Please remember that you are only cheating yourself by not being honest.
Points will be taken away for each of the following (2 points per violation):
*Avoid beans if they tend to give you GI issues. If you are not sure, go ahead and avoid them for this challenge.
**Gluten – Only avoid if you are intolerant or have Celiac’s disease. Not sure? Ask your doctor or dietitian for help.
***Dairy: If real dairy doesn’t agree with you (ex. Lactose intolerant), try unsweetened natural almond, coconut or soymilk. Keep in mind that almond and coconut milk only have approximately 1g protein per cup and regular and soy milk have approximately 7g per cup.
How can you get bonus points?
To get your calorie and macronutrient needs, you can download MyFitnessPal, and receive your personalized results. Once you enter your personal data, the app will give you your recommended calories and macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fat). You can also adjust the macronutrient range if you would like.
Below are some tips:
If you tend to be drawn to a lower carbohydrate and higher protein (think Paleo-ish), then you can adjust your macronutrient needs to 45% CHO, 30% Protein, 25% fat. If you tend to be a carb lover but need more balance, then go with 55% CHO, 20% Protein, 25% fat.
Congratulations on taking the first step towards a healthier you! This 6-week real food challenge will help you to meet your physical goals as well as to educate you on proper nutrition. By making small changes to your current lifestyle, you can make a big difference! While you are doing this challenge, make sure to listen to your body and be mindful.
There is a $10 entry fee to enter the challenge. Click here to sign up!
You will need to weigh-in and take your measurements at the beginning and the end of the program. The attached spreadsheet can be used to record the measurements. We will be taking our measurements only twice for the challenge, how ever you will have the ability to take measurements on Saturday at 11:00am at the box. Also, you will need to participate in our baseline workout at the beginning and complete the same workout at the end of the challenge.
The attached nutrition spreadsheet can be used to log your points. The point structure is below:
For each day of this challenge, you will receive 6 points. If you go by the guidelines of this challenge, you will receive 6 points each day. However, if you do not go by the guidelines, you will need to take away 2 points for every violation. For example, if you skipped breakfast that morning, you will need to take 2 points away. If you have 2 beers that same night, you will be down to 0 for the day, but you cannot total a negative score .
*This challenge is based on the honor system. Please remember that you are only cheating yourself by not being honest.
Points will be taken away for each of the following (2 points per violation):
- Skip meals
- Drink booze… it’s only 6 weeks
- Don’t drink enough water (see Hydration section below)
- Eat any fast food
- Eat fried food
- Eat any added sugars – this includes any soft drink, candy, bread, dairy with added sugar, etc.
- Added sugars maybe disguised as: granulated sugar, brown sugar, molasses, artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, honey, maple syrup, etc.
- It is recommended that for a 2000-calorie level, you should limit sugar intake to less than 8 tsp or 32 grams. This equates to less than 1 can of coca-cola per day.
- Eat unhealthy heavily processed foods. They tend to have added sugars, sodium and trans fats. These include anything in a package like creamers, protein bars, chips, candy, sugary breakfast cereals, processed meat, etc.
- This does not include healthy minimally processed foods like frozen fruit & vegetables (without sauces, etc.), canned fruits & vegetables (without added sodium and sugar), beans*, oatmeal, canned tuna or salmon.
- Eating high fat non-nutritious foods like ribs
*Avoid beans if they tend to give you GI issues. If you are not sure, go ahead and avoid them for this challenge.
**Gluten – Only avoid if you are intolerant or have Celiac’s disease. Not sure? Ask your doctor or dietitian for help.
***Dairy: If real dairy doesn’t agree with you (ex. Lactose intolerant), try unsweetened natural almond, coconut or soymilk. Keep in mind that almond and coconut milk only have approximately 1g protein per cup and regular and soy milk have approximately 7g per cup.
How can you get bonus points?
- Attend at least 3 classes a week at the box - get 3 bonus points per week
- Log your food into MyFitnessPal app 3 days per week – get 5 bonus points per week
- Stay within your macronutrient range for those 3 days – get 5 bonus points per week
- Keep a mindful eating log for at least 3 days – get 2 bonus points per week
To get your calorie and macronutrient needs, you can download MyFitnessPal, and receive your personalized results. Once you enter your personal data, the app will give you your recommended calories and macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fat). You can also adjust the macronutrient range if you would like.
Below are some tips:
If you tend to be drawn to a lower carbohydrate and higher protein (think Paleo-ish), then you can adjust your macronutrient needs to 45% CHO, 30% Protein, 25% fat. If you tend to be a carb lover but need more balance, then go with 55% CHO, 20% Protein, 25% fat.
We are going to be using the Exchange Lists. This system was originally designed to help people with diabetes with their meal planning. However, now it is used more widely as it is a simple and easy to understand way to measure foods. The Exchange List contains most common foods and the serving sizes for each. Please note that just because it says a serving size is “1/2 cup cooked greens,” this does not mean that ½ cup is all you can have for the day. It is simply a way to measure. Also, please do not pay much attention to the directions in the list because it was originally created for people with diabetes. **If you have diabetes or another medical condition and are on a prescribed diet, are receiving treatment or need treatment, please consult your physician before starting any new way of eating** |
The spreadsheet tab labeled “Macronutrients” has a table for each day of the challenge. The formulas are already in the table, so all you have to do is enter the number of servings of each food category per day. Then, it will calculate how many grams of carbohydrates, protein and fat, as well as the percentage of each macronutrient. Easy, right?!
The exchange list does include all foods, so not just the foods included in this challenge.
You want to keep your carbohydrates within the 45%-65% range. Your brain functions off of carbohydrates, so don’t skimp on them. If you choose a low carb diet, you will lose weight very quickly. However, this is mainly water weight.
While on this challenge, focus on eating nutrient dense complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, quinoa, beans, lentils and peas), instead of simple carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, pastries, baked goods, potato chips, etc).
Also, for the purpose of this challenge, we will be avoiding processed carbs like bread, flour tortillas and pasta. This is not to say they are “bad” foods, but I would like for you to focus on other carbohydrate options. Branch out and try some new whole grains like quinoa, barley, buckwheat, or kamut. These have more fiber, protein and B vitamins than processed carbohydrates. They will keep you full for longer and will give you the protein and the vitamins that help give you energy.
Fruits and vegetables have carbohydrates, but they are natural sources. You can eat fruits and starchy vegetables on this challenge. Just be mindful of your portion sizes (see the attached Exchange List). Also, only ½ cup of 100% juice is allowed per day if you like juice. I would rather you eat the whole food as it has more nutrients.
The acceptable protein range is from 10-35%. As athletes, I would stick to a 20-35% range to account for strength training.
Myth – You can eat as much protein as you want because you are working out. Actually, your body can only process up to 4 ounces of protein (or about 28 grams) in one sitting. Excess protein = excess calories, which will be stored as fat. You can spread out your protein intake throughout the day.
Focus on eating lean proteins like eggs, fish, poultry, lean meats, beans (if you can tolerate them), nuts & seeds. Quinoa is a complete protein (meaning it has all of the amino acids that make up protein). Bacon is not a protein; it is actually a source of fat. It doesn’t count. Go for local, organic and grassfed when you can and absolutely no nitrates or additives (no processed meats like deli meats).
Fat: The acceptable range of fat is 20-35%. You don’t want to go below the 20% as you need fat for essential body functions, such as absorbing fat-soluble nutrients (A, D, E, K), body temperature regulation, producing hormones, and much more. You also don’t want to consume over 35%. Fat has over double the number of calories per gram as carbs and protein and a high-fat diet is not recommended for athletes. Please focus on eating heart healthy fats like olive oil, nuts and nut oils, seeds, coconut oil, avocados, and omega-3 fatty acids (flax, salmon). Stay away from fried foods and high fat meats like ribs (they don’t taste as good without sugar laden BBQ sauce, anyways...).
Drink when you are thirsty throughout the day. You can gauge your hydration levels on the color of your urine. If it is clear/pale yellow, you are good. Typically drinking about 0.5 oz per lb of body weight works well (formula in Macronutrient section of spreadsheet). Only a 2-3% dehydration level can negatively impact your performance and your health in general. For example, dehydration can cause early fatigue and decreased performance.
During workouts, drink ½ cup water every 15-20 minutes. You can gauge how much you need to recover by adding the amount of weight lost during your workout in ounces to how much fluid you consumed during the workout. This total equals how much fluid you need to replenish your sweat loss.
If you are trying to gain weight/muscle:
If you are trying to lose weight:
Nutrient Timing with Exercise:
Consuming 30g carbs about 30 min prior to exercise may improve performance. This equates to 1 medium banana, 1 cup cubed melon, 1 cup smoothie with fruit, milk and flax, 1 cup oatmeal, or ½ cup trail mix.
Consume a snack within 30-60 minutes post-workout. Working out can cause dehydration, muscle breakdown, depletion of glycogen and inflammation/cell damage. In order to recover properly, you need to hydrate with water or a drink with electrolytes if you have worked out for over an hour. Eating quality carbohydrates will help you to replenish the glycogen stores (about 0.5 grams per 1 pound of body weight). Protein will help to build muscle (about 15-20 grams or 2-3 ounces). Whey protein is absorbed the quickest in the body. Eating foods high in antioxidants will help to decrease inflammation. Make sure to eat vitamin C, vitamin E, pre/probiotics, polyphenols and Omega-3 fatty acids. You can get these by eating a wide variety of different colored fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids (flax, salmon). A specific example is apple slices (1 apple) with almond butter (1 Tbsp).
Eat a balanced meal within 2 hours of your workout.
The exchange list does include all foods, so not just the foods included in this challenge.
You want to keep your carbohydrates within the 45%-65% range. Your brain functions off of carbohydrates, so don’t skimp on them. If you choose a low carb diet, you will lose weight very quickly. However, this is mainly water weight.
While on this challenge, focus on eating nutrient dense complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, quinoa, beans, lentils and peas), instead of simple carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, pastries, baked goods, potato chips, etc).
Also, for the purpose of this challenge, we will be avoiding processed carbs like bread, flour tortillas and pasta. This is not to say they are “bad” foods, but I would like for you to focus on other carbohydrate options. Branch out and try some new whole grains like quinoa, barley, buckwheat, or kamut. These have more fiber, protein and B vitamins than processed carbohydrates. They will keep you full for longer and will give you the protein and the vitamins that help give you energy.
Fruits and vegetables have carbohydrates, but they are natural sources. You can eat fruits and starchy vegetables on this challenge. Just be mindful of your portion sizes (see the attached Exchange List). Also, only ½ cup of 100% juice is allowed per day if you like juice. I would rather you eat the whole food as it has more nutrients.
The acceptable protein range is from 10-35%. As athletes, I would stick to a 20-35% range to account for strength training.
Myth – You can eat as much protein as you want because you are working out. Actually, your body can only process up to 4 ounces of protein (or about 28 grams) in one sitting. Excess protein = excess calories, which will be stored as fat. You can spread out your protein intake throughout the day.
Focus on eating lean proteins like eggs, fish, poultry, lean meats, beans (if you can tolerate them), nuts & seeds. Quinoa is a complete protein (meaning it has all of the amino acids that make up protein). Bacon is not a protein; it is actually a source of fat. It doesn’t count. Go for local, organic and grassfed when you can and absolutely no nitrates or additives (no processed meats like deli meats).
Fat: The acceptable range of fat is 20-35%. You don’t want to go below the 20% as you need fat for essential body functions, such as absorbing fat-soluble nutrients (A, D, E, K), body temperature regulation, producing hormones, and much more. You also don’t want to consume over 35%. Fat has over double the number of calories per gram as carbs and protein and a high-fat diet is not recommended for athletes. Please focus on eating heart healthy fats like olive oil, nuts and nut oils, seeds, coconut oil, avocados, and omega-3 fatty acids (flax, salmon). Stay away from fried foods and high fat meats like ribs (they don’t taste as good without sugar laden BBQ sauce, anyways...).
Drink when you are thirsty throughout the day. You can gauge your hydration levels on the color of your urine. If it is clear/pale yellow, you are good. Typically drinking about 0.5 oz per lb of body weight works well (formula in Macronutrient section of spreadsheet). Only a 2-3% dehydration level can negatively impact your performance and your health in general. For example, dehydration can cause early fatigue and decreased performance.
During workouts, drink ½ cup water every 15-20 minutes. You can gauge how much you need to recover by adding the amount of weight lost during your workout in ounces to how much fluid you consumed during the workout. This total equals how much fluid you need to replenish your sweat loss.
If you are trying to gain weight/muscle:
- Eat every 2 to 3 hours and within 30 minutes after a workout.
- Include a quality carbohydrate and a lean protein with every meal and snack.
- Tip: add higher calorie nutrient dense foods to your meals and snacks. For example, add avocado to salads and lean burgers.
- Make sure you are eating enough macronutrients.
- Use extra virgin olive oil when preparing vegetables or meats or you can use coconut oil (just use sparingly).
- Make shakes with high-calorie whey protein powder and add peanut butter (plain, no sugar added).
- Add nuts to meals or eat as snacks.
- Drink reduced-fat milk, low-fat chocolate milk, shakes, and/or ½ cup 100% juice with meals and snacks (remember only 1 juice serving per day).
- Eat a snack right before you go to bed, 7 days a week.
- Don’t skip meals, ever!
- Protein should be in the 25-35% range.
If you are trying to lose weight:
- Include a whole grain or quality carbohydrate, lean protein, and healthy fat with all meals and snacks to increase satiety.
- Use the plate rule for portion sizes (¼ plate carbohydrate, ¼ plate protein, and ½ plate vegetables) and eat until satisfied, not full or “stuffed.”
- Choose whole, high-fiber grains as your carbohydrate choice such as quinoa.
- Choose lean proteins (pull skin off chicken, trim visible fat, and do not fry meats, poultry, or fish).
- Choose low-fat dairy/dairy alternate items.
- Increase intake of healthy fats such as peanut butter, nuts, seeds, flaxseed, olive oil, fatty fish like salmon and tuna.
- Decrease intake of saturated fats such as baked/packaged foods, high-fat meats (like ribs and wings), white, thick, creamy sauces (like Alfredo sauce), gravies, biscuits, croissants, doughnuts, and pastries.
- Increase non-starchy vegetable intake at meals and snacks (baby carrots, celery sticks, broccoli spears, and green/red pepper strips).
- Avoid intake of candy, refined white flour products, and sugary desserts and pastries.
- Rely on low-calorie beverages (water, unsweetened tea, sparkling waters) instead of high-calorie beverages (soft drinks, sweet tea, juice, sports drinks outside of practice or games).
- Limit alcohol intake.
- Try to choose “lighter fare” options at restaurants and grilled options at fast-food establishments. Visit the website of your favorite restaurant to learn about better choices.
Nutrient Timing with Exercise:
Consuming 30g carbs about 30 min prior to exercise may improve performance. This equates to 1 medium banana, 1 cup cubed melon, 1 cup smoothie with fruit, milk and flax, 1 cup oatmeal, or ½ cup trail mix.
Consume a snack within 30-60 minutes post-workout. Working out can cause dehydration, muscle breakdown, depletion of glycogen and inflammation/cell damage. In order to recover properly, you need to hydrate with water or a drink with electrolytes if you have worked out for over an hour. Eating quality carbohydrates will help you to replenish the glycogen stores (about 0.5 grams per 1 pound of body weight). Protein will help to build muscle (about 15-20 grams or 2-3 ounces). Whey protein is absorbed the quickest in the body. Eating foods high in antioxidants will help to decrease inflammation. Make sure to eat vitamin C, vitamin E, pre/probiotics, polyphenols and Omega-3 fatty acids. You can get these by eating a wide variety of different colored fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids (flax, salmon). A specific example is apple slices (1 apple) with almond butter (1 Tbsp).
Eat a balanced meal within 2 hours of your workout.
- Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics:
- Position Paper on Nutrition & Athletic Performance:
- Recipes/Meal Ideas:
- has some good tips to start eating unprocessed foods
- Follow my blog at:
- Eating locally:
- - mindful eating resource
- Link